You can find that you can now right-click on it and an entity and change its layer from the right mouse button menu like in SolidWorks 2018 Premium. We now have some options of or further options of how we control what layer something sits on. Solidworks will create a flat pattern of any sheet metal part. If you want to do that, the important part about sheet metal models in SolidWorks is that you can flatten them. These are defaults that can be set up in special sheet metal templates. Auto relief refers to the areas on your sheet metal model where SolidWorks has to rip the material slightly. You may need to set these up in detail, or you may just refer to a supplier for their defaults. You can also use various options for the bend allowance to figure out the flat pattern from the formed model can use k-factor, bend allowance, Bend deduction, Bend calculation or a bend table depending on how your shop works. You can use a gauge table to determine thicknesses and default Bend radiuses for different types of materials. Solidworks also enables you, on a part like this, to control various defaults, such as the thickness and the bend radius.

Let’s move forward and make ourselves aware of the features in it. The Standalone Setup of SolidWorks 2012 Free Download is available for 32 Bit as well 64 Bit operating systems which enable you to install on your system and start the design and modeling process. The Sketching and Modeling environments are made in advance with the addition of some cool effects and updates in it. It comes up with Super Easy User Interface and modern add-ons which makes you feel professional being a designer to make a design in it. SolidWorks 2012 Premium is a super handy software for making modern 3D CAD designs with the use of advanced tools.